List za kratko poročilo o prebrani knjigi skupaj z navodili učenci dobijo pri svoji učiteljici angleščine.
5. razred:
Chicken Licken
The Wild Swans
The Pearl Girl
Rabbit’s Friends
Pam and Rick
Dino’s Day in London
The Last Photo
Africa Adventure
Marcel Goes to Hollywood
6. razred:
Simon and the Spy
The Elves and the Shoemaker
The Ghost House
Super Quiz Champion
Flying HomeMaisie and the Dolphin
Marcel Goes to Hollywood
Billy and the Queen
Tinkers Farm
Lisa Goes to London
Ali and his Camera
The Leopard and the Lighthouse
Marcel and the Mona Lisa
Island for Sale
7. razred:
Blue Moon Valley
Between Two Worlds
Hannah and the Hurricane
Marcel and the White Star
Aladdin and the Lamp
Tinkers Island
The Selfish Giant
Karen and the Artist
Kim’s Choice
The Cup in the Forest
The White Oryx
Who wants to be a Star?
The Pone Rings
The Troy Stone
The Emperor’s New Clothes
The Tim Soldier
Amazon Rally
Robin Hood
Happy Christmas!
Treasure Island
Fire in the Forest
Just Like a Movie
8. razred:
Barcelona Game
The Secret Garden
The Cay
Fly Away Home
Girl Meets Boy
Money to Burn
Mickey’s Lucky Day
Robinson Crusoe
The Gold Lasso
The Climb
Lost in New York
The Winner
Inspector Holt: the Bridge
The Crown
The Magic Garden
Stories from Five Towns
Logan’s Choice
The Prince and the Pauper
Appollo’s Gold
Christmas Carol
Girl in the Jungle
Project Omega
Sweet Valley High
9. razred:
Falling for You
The Earthquake
The Stolen Diary
White Fang
K’s First Case
Under the Greenwood Tree
Treasure Island
The Storm
He Mysterious Island
Brothers in Egypt
Seet Valley High – Secrets
Chance of a Lifetime
Fly Away Home
The Prince of Egypt
The Titanic Story
Jojo’s Story
The Lost Twin
A Picture to Remember
Double Cross
High Life – Low Life
Down the River
My Family and Other animals
The Man from Nowhere
Great Expectations
Oliver Twist
Race to the Moon
The Lady in White
The Fruitcake and Other Stories
But Was It Murder?